Just a little thing I put together one day after reading the news…something I have since learned to do as little of as possible…

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Armageddon, KS. 2025

Limited details are being made public of yesterday’s actions by agents of the Immigration Department, Homeland Security and multiple branches of the Armed Services. The situation beginning just before noon yesterday led to the mandatory evacuation of more than 50,000 residents of Central Kansas, and the rerouting of traffic over numerous transportation routes across the state.

Unnamed sources have confirmed that, while the incident began in that location, the potential impact of the incident was much greater; perhaps leading to a global involvement. These sources do not have clearance to release details, yet were quite clear that if authorities had not intervened, the outcome could have been far more serious.

According to reports, the incident began around eleven o’clock, local time, as residents reported seeing a glow in the sky North of Wichita. As is common in incidents that involve large numbers of people, reports from witnesses are somewhat confusing and impacted by what authorities are describing as a case of mass hysteria.

Leonard McGillon, a rancher north of Wichita, reported that he and his wife were in the front yard when they noticed the glow, and saw a large mass of clouds moving rapidly from high in the air. “It looked just like a big horse!” McGillon said. Mrs. McGillon also said that she saw clouds above the horse that almost looked like someone riding on it. “It was scary, but it was kinda cool.” she said.

Other witnesses to the incident reported bright lights around the clouds. “They almost made it look like the horse had eyes that were glowing.” Elmer Ditson said after watching the situation from his farm near Hutchinson. Other witnesses agreed with Ditson’s description, with some imagining cloud features like a large sword, and a crown on the rider’s head. Authorities see these items as evidence of the existence of mass hysteria, which as we said is common in large incidents.

First to respond were resources from McConnel Air Force Base, who confirmed the sighting. Additional resources were called in, leading to the involvement of at least seven major agencies and organizations. While the details of their findings and the actions taken remain classified, sources have informed us that a small, tactical, nuclear weapon was used at one point in the incident.

Use of a nuclear weapon was confirmed by an unnamed military source. “It became clear that whatever the thing was, it didn’t come from us, and it was above one of the states in the heartland of our nation. We took necessary steps to maintain the security of that nation. We don’t have to worry about that so-called horse-thing again.”

When asked if a nuclear response was appropriate, considering they did not know what the situation was, the source said, “We are prepared to take whatever steps are necessary to protect the way of life we have become accustomed too. And remember, witnesses reported hearing things too, like music or singing up there. That means this thing was probably using things like subliminal messaging and hypnosis to try and overpower us. Well, not on our watch.”

The mandatory evacuation has been removed, and residents are encouraged to return to their homes and resume normal way of life.